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African Queen: Blackface Vs 2face

It is no longer news that Ahmedu Augustine Obiobo popularly known as Blackface has struggled to stay relevant in the music industry since the breakup of the Plantashun Boyz. Blackface who took a time off the industry after facing lots of challenges, but in the industry and off the industry, not leaving out the constant criticism he was facing on a daily.

You will also recall that the reggae dance hall singer also called out his ones upon a time best friend turn brother 2face, on social media as well as on interviews for stealing his song African queen. This became an issue for blackface as he made an appearance on social media after months on being on hide out from the public eye.


Question arises on why he was coming out as at the time he did and why not 9 years ago when 2face went ahead to make a video of the song African Queen which by the way has hit over 13 million views on YouTube.


After back and forth court cases and trial on who is the rightful owner of the hit song African Queen, which on the other hand 2face never admitted that the song belonged to Blackface but rather, they both co-wrote the song and have equal right over the song.

Well it was more or less not a surprise to many as Blackface Naija as he is currently called decided to release his own version of African Queen alongside according to him “The Official Video” which many sees as the original version of the song, as he tries to paint a picture of African slavery by the colonial master. The both version of African Queen have same lyrics, but different rhythm, though blackface tried to play around his version which many sees as the real deal.


Amidst all said and done by Blackface Naija, who do you think nailed #AFRICANQUEEN do let us know in the comment section below.  

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