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“Young artistes are proud and find it difficult to collaborate with older artistes” – Tetuila

Veteran singer, Tony Tetuila has lamented on how he finds young artistes proud and how they’re more concerned about who is richer than the other.

Speaking in a chat with Sunday Scoop he recounted on his younger days in the industry and how they were all supportive of each other.

Tetuila said, “Some young artistes are proud. In our time, if somebody like Faze was going for a show, you would see other artistes such as Black Reverendz and Tony Tetuila supporting him. That was the love we had then. But now, everybody wants to brag about having more money than the other person.”

He also bemoaned the fact that once an artiste stops reigning, the Nigerian music industry is usually too quick to forget such an individual.

“You are on your own.People will only recognize you when you are making waves.Once you are no longer reigning, they would go for another person.But, if you have to go for another person.But how about the legends from way back then.What have you been doing to help them?We have seen artistes begging for help on their sick beds.Who is going to help them?The government is not even creating avenues to support legends in the industry”.

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